Tandem Students
Why did I receive an email about a merit for my tandem skydive?
The skydiving center that you jumped at wanted to go the extra mile and provide you with a verified digital credential, called merit. With only 1% of the population daring enough to skydive, they realize that it might be valuable to have merit that represents your bravery and experience. Some skydiving centers also include a digital certificate that is downloadable, printable, and shareable on social channels.
Access your Merit and find your digital certificate
Look for your email from help@merits.com, click the [Accept] button to create a profile, and access your merit. Finish setting up your profile by creating a password and accepting the terms and conditions.
Access your digital certificate
If a digital certificate is attached to your merit, you’ll see a paperclip icon on the top right corner of the merit.
Share your Certificate on Social Media
Jump Complete! Certificate Awarded! Share your certificate on social media platforms so friends, family, and colleagues can see you in all your skydiving glory and your journey on becoming one of the pros.
What’s beyond your first skydive?
We know you loved your jump, why not make it a normal thing you do? Your merit can be used as proof of experience and can be counted as your first jump and day in the sport when you decide to get your skydiving license.
USPA merits for license progression
Just as your merit for your tandem jump counts as proof of your experience, your dropzone may also send you merits for accomplishing some or all of the requirements to fulfill your US Parachute Association license requirements. These will not replace the paper USPA license cards that will be filled out by your instructors and coaches but can be used as bragging points to all of your whuffo friends on social media and tinder.
Experienced Jumpers
If you haven’t already, be sure to link your BurbleME app and opt-in for merits in your USPA account to link your USPA membership, licenses, and ratings together to make checking into dropzones seamless.
Link Merit with your BurbleMe account
(video below)
Opt-in to Merit within your USPA account.
(video below)
Sync your BurbleME with USPA, Merit, and UPT
(video below)
Merit Opportunities
Be on the lookout in your inbox for special deals and discounts from the dropzone for future tandems, skydiving courses, or other special events in Merit Opportunities.