Tag: skydive

  • Merit for Skydivers

    Tandem Students Why did I receive an email about a merit for my tandem skydive? The skydiving center that you jumped at wanted to go the extra mile and provide you with a verified digital credential, called merit. With only 1% of the population daring enough to skydive, they realize that it might be valuable…

  • Best practices for skydiving organizations using Merit

    We’re excited to help you get the most out of Merit! Below are a few helpful suggestions to consider as you start using Merit to start sending, tracking, and verifying credentials and experience. Communicate. Let your jumpers and staff know that you’ll be using Merit to send and verify digital credentials. This can be done…

  • GearPro Loft-Manager and Merit

    What is GearPro Loft-Manager? GearPro Loft-Manager is a free website riggers and loft managers allows riggers and loft managers to track both customers and customer gear records in a simple, easy to use platform It provides the ability to update customer and parachute information, record AAD service dates, and maintain an accurate log of reserve…

  • United Parachute Technologies (UPT) and Merit

    United Parachute Technologies has partnered with Merit to provide digital copies of Tandem Instructor and Tandem Examiner certifications. Find out more below. Find your UPT Certifications on Merit Need help finding your digital copy of your UPT certifications? Use the email address on file with UPT to resend your digital certification here and follow the…

  • US Parachute Association (USPA) and Merit

    The US Parachute Association has partnered with Merit to send their members merits for their membership, licenses, ratings, and awards. Find out how to opt-in to receive your digital copies of your USPA merits below. How to opt in and receive USPA merits Login to your USPA membership account at www.uspa.org , navigate to the Privacy tab,…

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