Merit has partnered up with the USPA, UPT, Burble, GearPro Loft-manager, Flight-1, Axis Flight, and to support all skydivers, riggers, dropzones, associations, teams, and competitions across the US in providing a quick, seamless, and free way to access and verify credentials across many organizations
How does it work?
- USPA, UPT, Dropzones all over the world, and Riggers issue digital credentials, universally called merits, to all individuals with a valid email address.
- Skydivers receive an email from Merit and the issuing organization, rigger, or dropzone which gives them access to their digital credentials on their new Merit profile. Skydivers can also centrally manage all of their industry credentials, such as licenses, certifications, ratings, memberships, reserve packing data cards from participating organizations.
- Skydivers are able to choose who, how, and when to share their merits. Information within a merit can be shared by using the Merit app (free) or by integrating their BurbleMe app with their Merit profile and selecting which dropzones are allowed to see their digital credentials.
- Dropzones, training organizations, associations, and riggers are able to verify the most up to date – real-time credentials.