Category: Admin

  • What do the different field kind types mean?

  • Add an Organization Admin to your organization

  • What data sources can I connect?

  • How can I register my organization with Merit?

  • Approved Business Verification Documents

    All organizations must be able to provide an active and in good standing government issued business license in order to hold an active Merit account. Please find a list of approved licenses and definitions below.  Types of Business Entities and acceptable documentation: Sole proprietorship: Unincorporated business with one owner or jointly owned by a married…

  • How to convert your spreadsheet into a .csv file

    Step 1: Open the File menu Step 2: Select Download to open the download options Step 3: Select Comma-Separated Value (.csv)

  • Why should CERTs use merits?

    Merit is a platform for securely issuing and accepting credentials. Onboarding to Merit is easy, free, quick, and private. Merit offers a comprehensive onboarding service to digitize records, transcribe expirations on certificates, and securely upload all data onto the platform. How is Merit useful to Community Emergency Response Teams? Take a look at the use…

  • How is OnlineCERT working with Merit?

    University of Utah’s OnlineCERT program has partnered with Merit to issue digital copies of certifications for hybrid CERT courses.   For CERT Volunteers Take advantage of the free online Community Emergency Response Training by signing up online at Once your training is completed, learn how to access your digital certificate, download and print it,…

  • What is Merit?

    Merit is a verified identity ecosystem for trusted organizations and individuals seeking the benefits of interoperable digital credentials, known as merits. Merit’s mission is to enable all participants to operate programmatically and reliably with trust, insight, and efficiency because our ecosystem gives people confidence in the skills they’ve earned, the foresight to see what is…

  • What are the ways I can verify a credential using Merit?

    When someone shares their digital credential or license from Merit with you, there are two potential sharing methods they could use, both of which make use of the Merit app for both iOS and Android: They can share their Merit key, a QR code that you can scan either from the Merit app or with…

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